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主题:Is It Love --- Iio

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Is It Love --- Iio  发帖心情 Post By:2010-4-6 10:10:14 [只看该作者]

Is It Love


I never knew a love

A love that could be sweeter

No matter what my mind says

Your music gives me fever


The moment that we danced

Your arms felt like a cradle

And when you took my hand

I was no longer able


It never felt so right before

I need to be with you much more

I can't believe this kind of fate

We can runaway


Is it love?

I'm always in a spell

Even when I sleeping

You're always on my mind

I hope that I'm not dreaming


If I am let me stay asleep

Don't wake me up

I feel complete

I never want to feel it end

What a lovely moment


