O light the candle, John
The daylight has almost gone
The birds have sung their last
The bells call all to mass
Sit here by my side
For the night is very long
There’s something I must tell
Before I pass along
(Loreena McKennitt,一位来自加拿大中部草原的梦想成为兽医的女子,因为一次前往爱尔兰的旅途,一生便把心留在了这块充满神话传说与英雄史诗的凯尔特土地上。)
I joined the brotherhood
My books were all to me
I scribed the words of God
And much of history
吸引Loreena McKennitt不辞千里前来造访的理由应该还有与其家乡一样存在着的风吹麦浪此起彼伏的风景。)
Many a year was I
Perched out upon the sea
The waves would wash my tears
The wind, my memory
I’d hear the ocean breathe
Exhale upon the shore
I knew the tempest’s blood
Its wrath I would endure
And so the years went by
Within my rocky cell
With only a mouse or bird
My friend, I loved them well
(1997年,Loreena发行了她的第七张个人专辑《The Book Of Secrets 秘密之书》,这是她泛游欧洲大陆,并将旅行心得再次与凯尔特民间文化融合的产物。在这次行程中,一座名叫“Skellig”的小岛给她留下了难以磨灭的印象。或许在某一次狂风大起、独自漫步海滩之时,Loreena窥见到多年前隐居与此的那些生命的辛酸与神圣,于是留下了这首略带伤感的《Skellig》)
And so it came to pass
I’d come here to Romani
And many a year it took
Till I arrived here with thee
On dusty roads I walked
And over mountains high
Through rivers running deep
Beneath the endless sky
Beneath these jasmine flowers
Amidst these cypress trees
I give you now my books
And all their mysteries
Now take the hourglass
And turn it on its head
For when the sands are still
‘Tis then you’ll find me dead
走过尘嚣,翻越葱岭,涉过长河,留下无尽的时空以待追忆,我终于来到了这里,来到了翠柏鲜花围绕的你所在 Romani。